Uploading your layout

Creation tips

1. Outline all text (.cdr files).
2. Avoid negative/reverse images where possible. Fine lines and fine texts do not show up well.
3. Check that the texts are written neither too big nor too small.


We recommend the following file formats: .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif, .gif, .cdr, .pdf, .ai,
and .psd

You can download any type of file in the download package.Please consider that open format files may be trimmed. We can also work from Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files.


We perform laser engraving in a resolution of 600 dpi.
If you provide a file at 600 dpi, we are able to deliver a high precision result. We can also work from files of lower resolution but the quality will be lower.



 We recommend a minimum font size of 7pt.
Please take into consideration a very slight loss of ink colour after each impression.



Always keep a line width with a minimum thickness of 0.25 mm.
Thin lines will not give a satisfactory impression. The outlines should be spaced and of 1 mm minimum thickness.




